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topics covered & key ideas from the economic pandemic slide show
SLIDE 1 Avoiding a Ticking Time Bomb
SLIDE 2 BIO of Bill Moeller
SLIDE 3 State of Wisconsin insurance license
SLIDE 4 Ukraine War causes pandemonium in markets
SLIDE 5 Health and economic disaster
SLIDE 6 Don’t let history repeat itself with your savings
SLIDE 7 The last phase of the bubble is catastrophic
SLIDE 8 Better have a plan for those Gold bars in your safe
SLIDE 9 DJIA is officially in the nosebleed seats – avoid a 1929 style market crash
SLIDE 10 Let zero be your hero
SLIDE 11 FIA annual reset feature is a lifesaver
SLIDE 12 Failing to plan is planning to fail
SLIDE 13 Happy couple has a smart retirement
SLIDE 14 Virtual reality - try it, you'll like it
SLIDE 15 What's choice #1 for your savings?
IncomeVantage PRO video
SLIDE 16 How can 4% = 8%?
SLIDE 17 Lifetime income is yours to enjoy
SLIDE 18 Substantial increase in death benefit if payed over 5 years
SLIDE 19 IncomeVantage PRO features
Fidelity video
SLIDE 20 10-year returns crush other fixed income products
SLIDE 21 RetireVantage features - Can it be? An annuity that credits 9.8%?
RetireVantage video – strategy to receive higher 2-year interest crediting
SLIDE 22 Which is the best fit? Or some of both?
SLIDE 23 Application
thru 27
SLIDE 28 A secure retirement is just ahead!